Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun Summer Activities

The days are long and hot here right now. Brady has several friends with pools, so luckily he gets invited over to swim occasionally. This was one such day. He had a great time, and I had fun talking to moms and dads for a bit. While Brady was with his friend swimming, I took Andrew to the mall to Build a Bear. He was bored and needed to get out, so Tanner and I took him. He had such a good time, heck I had a good time. We made a cute panda bear. He really loved Kung Fu Panda (movie) so he made a Kung Fu Panda and named him Po. He also got him a few other outfits. We were able to avoid the Hannah Montana section, due to Tanner being taller than a grown man. He stood his ground and planted in front of the stand and we managed to keep him from seeing the clothes. LOL

After returning to pick up Brady, we spent 30-40 minutes visiting with Ian's pet goats, Boo Boo, Sparky, & Tips. Ian's dad gave us a bag of pretzel knots to feed them and I literally had a blast. They were so sweet and gentle and their soft little fuzzy lips tickled so much. Dew had a blast as well. Brady got kisses and had his chin nibbled. It was hilarious.

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